Developed over 6 days for the Side Quest with Women in Games, Empty Nest is a 2.5D platformer. Inspired by the book 'Are You My Mother' by  P. D. Eastman, the story follows an egg trying to get back to the nest.

An image of various animals. The art is digital, but the characters look like stickers due to a thick white outline and creases. The animals are a grey cat, a brown rabbit, a brown chicken, an egg, a brown sleeping dog adn a large cow.

Released: September 2020

Genre: Casual

Engine: Unity

Team Size: 6

Duration: 6 days

Platform: Browser


Awards & Recognition: Voted 'Best Audio' by Sledgehammer Games

Empty Nest is a 2.5D Platformer developed over 6 days for the Side Quest with Women in Games. The theme was: 'Mother'.
Using the community Discord server, I formed a team of women from both the UK and the US.

Roles and Responsibilities


During the game jam, I used Photoshop to create the images and then added a sticker effect to promote the idea that a child was able to use these "stickers" to decorate the page while reading the story. Once I had finished the initial art, I cut out an area around the asset to leave it white and added a layer to add a minor crinkle effect.

I used references from the book 'Are You My Mother' to include each animal that was mentioned in the story.

Level Designs

The team ideally wanted to create a 2D platformer, but due to time constraints we decided to develop a simple 2D platformer which we could iterate on if we had the time. I designed the three levels which were then created by another member of the team. 

I made sure to include references to the book as this was our main inspiration and led us to the idea for the game. I inserted the animals in order of appearance in the book, as I wanted it to be as closely related to the book as possible.

A sketch showing how the player will interact with the game to start and progress.

Training Level

Interactive 'instructions' to introduce player to the game controls.

Level 1

Farm-inspired level with ‘characters’ from ‘Are you my mother?’. 

Includes the following:

Kitten in the window or outside watching the hen

Hen in the garden

Dog laying down, sleeping

Cow eating grass

Car somewhere in the level / background

Level 2

Pond Level. Water-based. Includes a boat

Level 3

Industrial Level. Planes in background (occasionally) and a Digger (Player gets into digger, it lifts player up to the nest original nest. End) 

Game Flow created in Miro.